Physics: Changes to avoid Physics transform drift by not sending redundant Transform updates.

What is the meaning of

  • Physics: Changes to avoid Physics transform drift by not sending redundant Transform updates.

Currently we have to do weird things like disabling interpolation and so forth or child rigidbodies act strangely. Is this part of that issue, or something else? Please explain :slight_smile:

The issue fixed was when an animator is set to an constant curve and emitting the same transforms over and over, the Rigidbodies receiving the transform updated messages would react by not being able to fall asleep. They would accumulate drift and eventually break the setup/scene.

In the new code the transform components do not send an update messages if the transform set externally (like the animator) is unchanged from the previous transform. This makes the Rigidbodies asleep like expected and it prohibits the drifting.

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Thanks a lot - can you guys make a point of explaining things in depth whenever a change changes Unity behaviour? it would be a cool thing :slight_smile:

I’m pretty sure we’re adding this for the 5.4 Upgrade Guide.