Physics.CheckSphere and Nodes

Hello, I’m currently following two tutorial series based on Nodes and pathfinding, both series have elements of what I want in my scripts but neither of them have all of what I want. To elaborate, one series has the Tile Movement and pathfinding script tuturials that I have used wheras the other has the ability to check for a collider that then converts that to a position on the node (something like that I think).

My ‘walkable’ bool uses Physics.CheckSphere to find that collider.

I am currently having trouble converting this ‘walkable’ bool to a Tile Type ( ‘tileTypes’ ) which doesn’t allow the Player ( ‘Unit’ ) to click and move onto that tile ( in other words a Tile Type that is labelled as 2 in my script is an obstacle tile so the pathfinding works its way around it). Here is my script (apologises but it is very long!!):

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

public class TileMap : MonoBehaviour {

    public Transform player;
    public Vector3 gridPos;
    public GameObject selectedUnit;
    public LayerMask unwalkableMask;
    public Vector2 gridWorldSize;
    public float nodeRadius;
    float nodeDiameter;
    public bool walkable;
    public Vector3 worldPoint;

    public TileType[] tileTypes;
    public WallTile[] wallTile;

    float[,] tilesTwo;

    int[,] tiles;
    int[,] wallTiles;
    Node[,] graph;

    int mapSizeX = 10;
    int mapSizeZ = 10;

    void Start() {

        nodeDiameter = nodeRadius * 2;
        mapSizeX = Mathf.RoundToInt (gridWorldSize.x / nodeDiameter);
        mapSizeZ = Mathf.RoundToInt (gridWorldSize.y / nodeDiameter);

        selectedUnit.GetComponent<Unit> ().tileX = (int)selectedUnit.transform.position.x;
        selectedUnit.GetComponent<Unit> ().tileZ = (int)selectedUnit.transform.position.z;
        selectedUnit.GetComponent<Unit> ().map = this;


    void GenerateMapData() {
        tiles = new int[mapSizeX,mapSizeZ];
        wallTiles = new int[mapSizeX, mapSizeZ];

        for(int x=0; x < mapSizeX; x++) {
            for(int z=0; z < mapSizeX; z++) {
                tiles[x,z] = 0;

        for(int x=0; x < mapSizeX; x++) {
            for (int z = 0; z < mapSizeX; z++) {
                wallTiles [x, z] = 0;

    public float CostToEnterTile(int sourceX, int sourceZ, int targetX, int targetZ) {

        TileType tt = tileTypes [tiles[targetX, targetZ]];

        if(UnitCanEnterTile(targetX, targetZ) == false)
            return Mathf.Infinity;

        if (UnitIsWalkable (targetX, targetZ) == false)
            return Mathf.Infinity;
        float cost = tt.movementCost;

        if (sourceX != targetX && sourceZ != targetZ) {
            cost += 0.001f;

        return cost;

    void GeneratePathfindingGraph() {
        graph = new Node[mapSizeX, mapSizeZ];
        Vector3 worldBottomLeft = gridPos - Vector3.right * gridWorldSize.x/2f - Vector3.forward * gridWorldSize.y/2f;

        for (int x = 0; x < mapSizeX; x++) {
            for (int z = 0; z < mapSizeZ; z++) {
                worldPoint = worldBottomLeft + Vector3.right * (x * nodeDiameter + nodeRadius) + Vector3.forward * (z * nodeDiameter + nodeRadius);
                walkable = !(Physics.CheckSphere (worldPoint, nodeRadius, unwalkableMask));
                graph [x, z] = new Node (walkable, worldPoint);
                graph [x, z].x = x;
                graph [x, z].z = z;

        for (int x = 0; x < mapSizeX; x++) {
            for (int z = 0; z < mapSizeX; z++) {
                if (x > 0) {
                    graph [x, z].neighbours.Add (graph [x - 1, z]);
                    if (z > 0)
                        graph [x, z].neighbours.Add (graph [x - 1, z - 1]);
                    if (z < mapSizeZ - 1)
                        graph [x, z].neighbours.Add (graph [x - 1, z + 1]);

                if (x < mapSizeX - 1) {
                    graph [x, z].neighbours.Add (graph [x + 1, z]);
                    if (z > 0)
                        graph [x, z].neighbours.Add (graph [x + 1, z - 1]);
                    if (z < mapSizeZ - 1)
                        graph [x, z].neighbours.Add (graph [x + 1, z + 1]);

                if(z > 0)
                    graph [x, z].neighbours.Add (graph [x, z - 1]);
                if(z < mapSizeZ-1)
                    graph [x, z].neighbours.Add (graph [x, z + 1]);



    void GenerateWall() {
        for (int x = 0; x < mapSizeX; x++) {
            for (int z = 0; z < mapSizeX; z++) {
                WallTile wt = wallTile [wallTiles [x, z]];
                Instantiate (wt.wallTilePrefab, new Vector3 (x, 0, mapSizeZ - 0.4f), Quaternion.identity);
                Instantiate (wt.wallTilePrefab, new Vector3 (x, 1, mapSizeZ - 0.4f), Quaternion.identity);
                Instantiate (wt.wallTilePrefab, new Vector3 (x, 2, mapSizeZ - 0.4f), Quaternion.identity);
                Instantiate (wt.wallTilePrefab, new Vector3 (x, 3, mapSizeZ - 0.4f), Quaternion.identity);
                Instantiate (wt.wallTilePrefab, new Vector3 (x, 4, mapSizeZ - 0.4f), Quaternion.identity);

                Instantiate (wt.wallTilePrefabRight, new Vector3 (mapSizeX - 0.4f, 0, z), Quaternion.identity);
                Instantiate (wt.wallTilePrefabRight, new Vector3 (mapSizeX - 0.4f, 1, z), Quaternion.identity);
                Instantiate (wt.wallTilePrefabRight, new Vector3 (mapSizeX - 0.4f, 2, z), Quaternion.identity);
                Instantiate (wt.wallTilePrefabRight, new Vector3 (mapSizeX - 0.4f, 3, z), Quaternion.identity);
                Instantiate (wt.wallTilePrefabRight, new Vector3 (mapSizeX - 0.4f, 4, z), Quaternion.identity);

                Instantiate (wt.WallTilePrefabCenter, new Vector3 (mapSizeX - 0.4f, 0, mapSizeZ - 0.4f), Quaternion.identity);
                Instantiate (wt.WallTilePrefabCenter, new Vector3 (mapSizeX - 0.4f, 1, mapSizeZ - 0.4f), Quaternion.identity);
                Instantiate (wt.WallTilePrefabCenter, new Vector3 (mapSizeX - 0.4f, 2, mapSizeZ - 0.4f), Quaternion.identity);
                Instantiate (wt.WallTilePrefabCenter, new Vector3 (mapSizeX - 0.4f, 3, mapSizeZ - 0.4f), Quaternion.identity);
                Instantiate (wt.WallTilePrefabCenter, new Vector3 (mapSizeX - 0.4f, 4, mapSizeZ - 0.4f), Quaternion.identity);

    void GenerateMapVisual() {
        for(int x=0; x < mapSizeX; x++) {
            for(int z=0; z < mapSizeX; z++) {
                TileType tt = tileTypes[ tiles[x,z] ];
                GameObject go = (GameObject)Instantiate( tt.tileVisualPrefab, new Vector3(x, 0 - 0.4f, z), Quaternion.identity );

                ClickableTile ct = go.GetComponent<ClickableTile>();
                ct.tileX = x;
                ct.tileZ = z;
       = this;


    public Node NodeFromWorldPoint(Vector3 worldPosition) {
        float percentX = (worldPosition.x) / gridWorldSize.x; //+ gridWorldSize.x/2) / gridWorldSize.x;
        float percentZ = (worldPosition.z) / gridWorldSize.y;//+ gridWorldSize.y/2) / gridWorldSize.y;
        percentX = Mathf.Clamp01 (percentX);
        percentZ = Mathf.Clamp01 (percentZ);

        int x = Mathf.RoundToInt((mapSizeX) * percentX);
        int z = Mathf.RoundToInt((mapSizeZ) * percentZ);
        return graph [x, z];

    public Vector3 TileCoordToWorldCoord(int x, int z) {
        return new Vector3 (x, 0, z);

    public bool UnitCanEnterTile(int x, int z) {
        return tileTypes [tiles [x, z]].isWalkable;

    public bool UnitIsWalkable(int x, int z) {
        return walkable;

    public void GeneratePathTo(int x, int z) {
        selectedUnit.GetComponent<Unit> ().currentPath = null;

        if (UnitCanEnterTile (x, z) == false) {

        if (UnitIsWalkable (x, z)== false) {

        Dictionary<Node, float> dist = new Dictionary<Node, float> ();
        Dictionary<Node, Node> prev = new Dictionary<Node, Node>();

        List<Node> unvisited = new List<Node> ();

        Node source = graph[

        Node target = graph[

        dist[source] = 0;
        prev[source] = null;

        foreach(Node v in graph) {
            if(v != source) {
                dist [v] = Mathf.Infinity;
                prev [v] = null;

            unvisited.Add (v);

        while(unvisited.Count > 0) {
            Node u = null;

            foreach (Node possibleU in unvisited) {
                if (u == null || dist [possibleU] < dist [u]) {
                    u = possibleU;

            if (u == target) {


            foreach(Node v in u.neighbours) {
                float alt = dist [u] + CostToEnterTile (u.x, u.z, v.x, v.z);
                if (alt < dist [v]) {
                    dist [v] = alt;
                    prev [v] = u;


        if (prev [target] == null) {

        List<Node> currentPath = new List<Node> ();

        Node curr = target;

        while(curr != null) {
            currentPath.Add (curr);
            curr = prev[curr];
        currentPath.Reverse ();

        selectedUnit.GetComponent<Unit>().currentPath = currentPath;
    void OnDrawGizmos () {
        Gizmos.DrawWireCube (gridPos, new Vector3 (gridWorldSize.x, 1, gridWorldSize.y));
        if (graph != null) {
            Node playerNode = NodeFromWorldPoint (player.position);
            foreach (Node n in graph) {
                Gizmos.color = (n.walkable) ? Color.white :;
                if (playerNode == n) {
                    Gizmos.color = Color.cyan;
                Gizmos.DrawCube (n.worldPosition, * (nodeDiameter - .1f));

Your help would be greatly appreciated!


What about your value of unwalkableMask,=-=,is always null?