(physics collision) sphere goes through cubes

I am trying to have a ball bounce in a level composed only of cubes. The player cannot move the ball, rather spins the whole level. Gravity is attached to the ball.

The ball goes through the walls quite often as the level spins, and I just don’t understand why. Collisions are set up for the cubes. This happens also on a mesh with mesh collider. The collisions just don’t seem to be working properly. Tips?

If your using “translate” or “rotate” only to move the cubes, they might be passing through the sphere because it’s making such a big leap every frame. Use this line of code to move objects:

var speed : float = 10;

function Update ()
transform.translate(0, 1 * speed * Time.deltaTime, 0)

This makes it so that it’s only going one little leap per every frame, but you can speed it up by editing it’s speed variable.

Hope it help’s!

P.S. you can use the same thing for rotating also.