Are there plans for dynamic physics entities to respect a transform hierarchy? I know I asked this a long time ago, but that was then and now is now.
There are currently no plans to support transform parenting for rigidbodies. This decision was made mainly for performance reasons
However, you can imitate parenting for rigidbodies by writing systems that place those bodies at the world pos/rot of target child transforms
this is another reason to make single generic WorldTransform component in entities core and then make transform system just use it. This way transform system will be replaceable by 3rd party package and all packages around will depend only on core WorldTransformComponentData.
Look DeamingLatios feedback and hit take on transform system for ecs
To clarify what you are looking for here, could you please elaborate what exactly you mean by that?
While playing, would you like a dynamic physics entity to somehow follow its parent or would you like its children to follow a dynamic physics entity?