Physics for playing cards

Hello, I’m trying to make a tabletop card game with 24 playing cards (so fewer than usual, but still a significant amount), and because there’s not much going on graphically, I wanted to add in some realistic physics for the playing cards themselves. Ideally, I wanted some kind of physics simulation that would act like plasticized card, and flex when squeezed between two other rigidbodies (I basically want a pack of nice physically-simulated playing cards).

I thought that some kind of very rigid and elastic cloth might be good for this, and I wondered whether anyone can suggest a plugin or other resource that would be good to use as the basis for this. I have intermediate c# knowledge, but I wouldn’t know where to start creating a custom physics sim.

I’m also having a problem with the existing cards passing through one another. I don’t have any kind of organised “deck” concept at the moment, I just have each card as a separate object with a box collider and rigidbody, with collision set to discreet. The real-world card dimensions are 6.34 x 8.9 x 0.03 cm. I’ve previously read that there are commonly problems with large, thin colliders, and I’m wondering whether there’s any work-around like using multiple separate colliders on the same object. At the moment, I’m simply cheating by setting the collider for each card to be significantly thicker, 6.34 x 8.9 x 0.2 cm.

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

I don’t think there’s such a thing out of the box here for that.

you can go the animated way for one thing.
if you really wanna do this you’re gonna have to manually bend the meshes imo, you good with PCG meshes and such?

Thanks for the reply, I’ve thought about using simple morph targets or skeletal animation, but it would be hard to make standard colliders work with either approach. I haven’t ever used PCG meshes, do you have any suggested resources I should look at? The main challenge is the physics side of things, to create a bendable playing card, I would need some kind of animated collider that can be concave.