Hi all, I am attempting to fix a Levitation Bug in my game, however is proving quite difficult, for some reason the Physics.IgnoreCollision() function doesn’t seem to work as I expect it to work, I have also uploaded a video to better describe what is happening visually.
At the Start you can see it works quite well and all collision from the player is being ignored, while it is still able to crash into the fence… however whenever the player begins to move it seems like this function is being toggled on/off rapidly even though the only 2 ways the Collision can be Enable and Disabled with the player is by picking up the object, which disables collision with the player and by dropping the object, which then enables collision for the player and object.
There are no active Child Colliders on the objects (in the videos case the Server) as they are all disabled on start up besides the ‘main’ outside collider that is used to handle raycast from the player and collision for Physics. The code I am using to ask the object to ignore collisions from the player is as follows:
void OnMouseDown() //Pickup Object
if (pauseScript != null)
if (!pauseScript.isPaused && !pcInt.isBusy)
if (isSmallOBJ)
distance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, smallDest.position);
distance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, dest.position);
if (canDisassemble)
canDisassemble = false;
if (isSelling)
pcInt.dontShowIntText = true;
rig.useGravity = true;
rig.isKinematic = false;
isHolding = true;
rig.angularDrag = 7f;
rig.drag = 7f;
Physics.IgnoreCollision(mainCol, refer.playerCol, true); //Ignore is Requested here
pcInt.isHolding = true;
Debug.LogError("Pause Script is NULL! - This is stopping Objects from being picked up!");
public void dropObject() //Drop object
rig.angularDrag = 0.05f;
rig.drag = 0f;
pcInt.dontShowIntText = false;
isHolding = false;
pcInt.isHolding = false;
Physics.IgnoreCollision(mainCol, refer.playerCol, false); //Collision is now allowed after dropping
if (camCon != null)
camCon.lowerVerticalLimit = defaultLowerLimit;
camCon = Char.transform.parent.GetComponent<CameraController>();
camCon.lowerVerticalLimit = defaultLowerLimit;
timeToDisablePhysics = defaultDisableTime;
physicsDisabled = false;
if (refer.objectsActive != null)
if (!hasAdded)
hasAdded = true;
Debug.Log(itemName + " was successfully added to the Reference List - The Reference List Currently Contains: " + refer.objectsActive.Count + " Objects");