Physics Issues with Bounce, Sliding and Slow Falling.

I made a video that demonstrates the issues I am having, namely too much sliding around, too much bounce and slow falling.

I’ve set all my friction to maximum, all bounce to 0, gravity is -9.8. Mass of the cat is 50. Mass of the crates is 2. Platforms are static. I’ve disabled root motion and animate physics, although problem exists the same with those turned on. Sphere colliders are attached to cat feet and head, along with a box collider on the back of the cat.

Video: Unity3D Physics Issues - YouTube

Any suggestions would be very helpful.

Several possible reasons:

  • your scene scale is totally off
  • your crates have a very high drag value
  • you’re moving your cat transform in
    Update instead of the cat rigidbody
    in FixedUpdate and thus the crates
    get really high forces applied to
    them when the physics engine tries to avoid intersections

Crates of 2x2m IS an off scale. Unity, by default, works in meters (thus default gravity is 9.8). You now have crates of 2x2m (imagine - this is very big, how big is then your cat - Catzilla?). If your Units should be decimeter (1 = 10cm), you’d have to change gravity to reflect that - 98 would be the exact value (1m = 10decimeter).

Solved the issue by increasing gravity by 5x. I also added a lot of code to turn the object kinematic if it was touching any other objects and was receiving no user input.