Physics Question

I’m having a problem with physics in my scene. My game object (a sphere for now) is a rigid body, with accelerometer controls. How do I keep the ball from “floating”? Everytime it reaches a ramp it just floats in the air and sinks slowly to the ground, rather then being effected by gravity. I have the “use gravity” check box selected, so I’m out of ideas. Any takers? Here’s my script if it helps:

var moveSpeed : float = 10;
var sensitivity : float = .5;

function FixedUpdate () {

	var accelerator : Vector3 = iPhoneInput.acceleration;

	//  rotate turn based on acceleration		
	transform.position.z += accelerator.x * moveSpeed * sensitivity;
	transform.position.x -= accelerator.y * moveSpeed * sensitivity;

If your ball is a rigidbody you should probably apply a force or torque to move the ball, rather than change its position manually…

I’m getting a pretty good result just by changing the properties in the Physics section in Project Settings, but its not quite enough, so I’ll try that. Thanks!