Physics.Raycast not detecting any colliders

I have a simple logic to detect any colliders in between Physics Raycast but it is not detecting any even if it has Colliders

    public class RayCastBetweenPoints : MonoBehaviour
        public Transform startPoint;
        public Transform endPoint;
        public LayerMask layerMask; // Optional: Specify which layers to include in the raycast

        void Update()
            if (startPoint != null && endPoint != null)
                // Calculate the direction and distance of the ray
                Vector3 direction = (endPoint.position - startPoint.position).normalized;
                float distance = Vector3.Distance(startPoint.position, endPoint.position);

                // Perform the raycast
                RaycastHit hit;
                if (Physics.Raycast(startPoint.position, direction, out hit, distance, layerMask))
                    // Log the name of the object hit
                    Debug.DrawLine(startPoint.position, endPoint.position, Color.yellow);

                    Debug.Log("Hit object: " +;
                    // Draw the ray in the Scene view for debugging
                    Debug.DrawLine(startPoint.position, endPoint.position,;

                Debug.LogWarning("StartPoint or EndPoint is not assigned.");

The red color ray showing not detecting anything.

what am I missing.
The two start and end points have colliders disabled, only the middle one has.

Collision matrix also looks fine

Interestingly, the same code/logic works in different project but not in this project

Setting the GameObject SDK to PhysX resolved the issue.

I’m unsure how it ended up being set to “None” or under what circumstances it changes to “None.” If anyone could provide some insight, it would be greatly appreciated.

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