I’ve spent the past hour trying to figure out why my Unity editor doesn’t show all of the settings in the physics manager.
I’m looking for the “Min Penetration For Penalty” parameter but it simply isn’t there. I compared what I see in my editor to what’s in the manual and these parameters are missing from mine.
- Max Angular Velocity
- Min Penetration for Penalty
Plus I have a parameter called “Default Contact Offset” which isn’t shown in the manual. Can anyone help me understand why this is? I’m using Unity version 5.1.0f3 personal.
I’ll quote from the Unity 5.0 Release Notes:
“Expose contactOffset both global and per-shape. This comes to replace Physics.minPenetrationForPenalty that lost its original meaning with the upgrade to PhysX3. Contact offset is the value that directly affects the distance at which PhysX starts generating contacts; when the distance between colliders is less than the sum of their respective contact offsets the contacts are generated. The value is useful when you have fast moving ragdolls and observe the not physically correct behaviour of joints when the colliders they connect penetrate other collision geometry.”
“Physics.maxAngularVelocity has been removed as it is non-functional in PhysX 3.3. You can still use Rigidbody.maxAngularVelocity.”