Physics.SphereCast with Vector3.Reflect returns weird results

Hello, I try to have a ray that simulates the position of a ball which will move and collide with others objects.
I use the Physics.SphereCast and Vertex3.Reflect method to do this but I got bad results, I added a screenshot, in red it’s the calculated ray and in green as it should be.


Here is my script to show the ray :

// Create start ray
Ray ray = new Ray(objectWorldPosition, direction);

// Ray loop
RaycastHit hitInfo;
for (float length = 0.0f; length < 100.0f; length += hitInfo.distance) {
    // If raycast hits something
    if (Physics.SphereCast(ray, 0.5f, out hitInfo)) {
        // Calculate center position of ball
        Vector3 centerVector = hitInfo.point + (hitInfo.normal * 0.5f);

        // Draw line
        Debug.DrawLine(ray.origin, centerVector,;

        // Get vector from start to hit point
        Vector3 rayVector = centerVector - ray.origin;

        // Calculate reflective ray vector
        Vector3 reflectiveRayVector = Vector3.Reflect(rayVector, hitInfo.normal);

        // Update ray
        ray = new Ray(centerVector, reflectiveRayVector);
    } else {
        // Exit loop

The green ray is calculated with a Physics.RayCast and a Pythagore formula to find the center point of the ball from the hitpoint. It is more accuracy but with some angles that fails too and also on some situations where ball could not pass but ray does because it is thinner.

Can someone help me ?

It is because Physics.SphereCast returns a wrong normal vector.

See How do I obtain the surface normal for a point on a collider (can't use RaycastHit.normal)? - Unity Answers