Physics Unity Classic vs Physics Unity Dots

Hi everyone!

I am a beginner in Unity. I have a several doubts about Physics. What are the differences between Physics from Classic Unity and Unity Dots?and ,what are the advantages of Physics with DOTS?

I hope that you can help me.

Thanks in advance

Hi, there are a number of amazing advantages, but I’ll highlight the primary ones. Note that the Physics algorithms themselves might not be much different - it’s the DOTS implementation that provides critical advantages:

    1. The Jobs system is integrated, allowing you to multi-thread and use multiple CPU cores, or multiple virtual CPUs

    1. Reduced overhead where ‘entities’ are stripped down and managed as data, and not as individual gameObjets like we have in standard Unity. This extends to the Physics engine. In standard Unity, the engine just starts coughing with well under 5000 actively managed objects, depending on your CPU. With DOTS performance is easily 10x better.

    1. A new compiler called Burst, which you can call for specific sections of your code, particularly multi-threaded Jobs. It turns your code into machine code and I believe it strips out C# overhead code, giving you a clear processing benefit, and it is super easy to apply.

Check this video out from the Physics2D developer lead for DOTS, Melvyn May. Note that each dot in the simulation is an individual object!