I am making a motocross type game that is 2d based and I was wondering what advice anyone has for attempting to make physics similar to line rider ?
So far I have tried to use wheel colliders to create a motorcycle, and created a track where all colliders on planar. But in playing what I have made so far, I have an issue with the wheel colliders in the sense that they don’t seem very responsive. As in an increase to motorTorque doesn’t increase velocity immediately, or they flip over too easily at the slightest drop.
I have tried tricks like moving the center of mass around, and or adding counter balance weights, but I think I am missing something more fundamental. Also when going up hill wheel colliders dont seem to give that response to ‘throttling’ correctly, and/or flip over backwards when gassing too much.
Right now my scripts apply the same motor torque to all wheels equally and even though its an orthogonal camera, in world space there are really 4 wheels.
Anyways, if I could get some advice on at least getting to line rider, that would be an immense lead