for some reason even though im telling it to only look for certain layers it checks all the custom layers and the colliders don’t even have to overlap they just have to get close, but that’s not what’s supposed to happen. here’s the code:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Dummy : MonoBehaviour
public Animator anim;
public LayerMask weapon;
public Vector2 offSet;
public Vector2 size;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (Physics2D.OverlapBox(transform.position + (Vector3)offSet, size, weapon))
print("I Have'th been Hurt");
void OnDrawGizmosSelected()
Gizmos.color = Color.yellow;
Gizmos.DrawWireCube(transform.position + (Vector3)offSet, new Vector3(size.x, size.y, 1));