Pickable items; Editor vs Savegame

Hi there I’m quite new to Unity so pardon me if that might be a stupid question.

I have several pickable items within my level that I would like to place directly within the editor. But I would like those items to be just something like a preset when the level is loaded for the first time. When loading a savegame I would like those items, that where picked up before, to be gone.

Of course I can store the items, that where picked up before, and than remove them during loading time, but that seems like unnecessary work; especially as the number of items within the level might grow.

Is there a more convenient (or a more Unity’ish) way in doing this?

Hope my question is understandable


I’m not sure I follow entirely, what you’re trying to do. Scriptable Objects is probably what you’re looking for to store the item presets. You could also use json, xml, text files as well but Scriptable Objects are more Unityish…

Of course I can store the items, that where picked up before, and than remove them during loading time, but that seems like unnecessary work; especially as the number of items within the level might grow.

That is what you need to do. That’s what a save system does and it’s why you do it at load time.

Using scriptable objects may result in unexpected results unless you know how the serialization process works.