picking object

I want to pick up object in my game. I found this script and I changed the tag to"Pick", but my object dont follow the mouse and this script dont work. What should i do?

var grabRange: float = 2;    
var pickPos: Vector3 = Vector3 (0, 0.5, 1.1);    
var force: float = 30; 

private var pickObj: Transform = null;    
private var rBody: Rigidbody;    
private var hadRBody: boolean;    
private var freezeRot: boolean;

function Update(){    
    if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)){ // if left button pressed...    
        var hit: RaycastHit;    
        var ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); // create a ray from the mouse pointer

        // if object "Pick" clicked, and inside grabRange...    
        if (Physics.Raycast(ray, hit) && hit.transform.tag == "Pick" && hit.distance < grabRange){    
            pickObj = hit.transform; // save the object's transform...    
            pickObj.parent = transform; // child it to the player...    
            rBody = pickObj.rigidbody; // and get its rigidbody, if any

            if (rBody){ // if already had a rigidbody...     
                freezeRot = rBody.freezeRotation; // save its freezeRotation property    
                hadRBody = true;    
            } else { // if no rigidbody, add one:    
                rBody = pickObj.gameObject.AddComponent(Rigidbody);    
                hadRBody = false;    

            rBody.freezeRotation =true; // disable physical rotations    
    if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0) && pickObj){    
        if (hadRBody){ // if already had a rigidbody...    
            rBody.freezeRotation = freezeRot; // restore freezeRotation    
        } else { // if not, destroy the added rigidbody:    

        pickObj.parent = null; // unchild the object...    
        pickObj = null; // and signal that's nothing is picked anymore    


function FixedUpdate(){    
    if (pickObj){    
        var error = transform.TransformPoint(pickPos) - pickObj.position;    
        rBody.velocity = force * error;

First, try to understand the script. Then, add print() here and there to see what’s going on, which value is correct and which isn’t.