Pickup script error

Okay so the pick up script works great i can pick up my object and have it apear in my characters hand.

using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

public class PlaceItem : MonoBehaviour 


    private bool inRange = false;

    public bool Activated { get; set; }

    void Awake()


   void OnTriggerEnter()
        inRange = true;
        Debug.Log("in range of alter place item");

   void OnTriggerExit()

        inRange = false;

        Debug.Log("out of range of alter ");

    void Update()

         if (TP_Controller.Instance.ObjectHeld != null)

                if (inRange && TP_Controller.Instance.IsHolding == Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E))

                animation.Play("WIN");// if the item has an animation 
                //transform.Find("SuperOrb1").renderer.enabled = true;

                TP_Controller.Instance.IsHolding = false;
                Activated = true;
                TP_Controller.Instance.Use(); //-- this will animate the character in CControler and animator 

This script allows me to place the item on a trigger when the character is holding the item then press E to add to the alter.

The problem is that when i go to the alter and press E without the object held it still activates, can anyone help ?

I suspect you should explicitly assign null to Instance.ObjectHeld when destroying the associated game object:

    TP_Controller.Instance.ObjectHeld = null;

I also think you should modify the second if like this:

  if (inRange && TP_Controller.Instance.IsHolding && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E)){

bacause the previous expression could return true when inRange == true and IsHolding and GetKey both were false.