Pico 4 and Unity Profiler


im developing an App with Unity Open XR for the Pico 4. My biggest problem at the moment is, that i cant connect the Unity Profiler analysis tool to the running app at the headset. I really tried everything and spend half day to find a workaround, but without success. Maybe someone else encountert that problem and could help me?

Things i tried:

  • Installed Android SDK and checked on console with adb devices that pico4 is connected.

  • activated Development Build … in the Build Settings in Unity.

  • tried to connect Profiler via Wifi, but without success.

  • of course the headset is in developer mode with usb debugging enabled.

  • tried to activate/deactivate option automatic profiler connection

  • got the latest Unity and Pico Open XR versions, and XR Toolkit pp.

I dont know why, but im really frustrated and i hope someone can help me out.

I only profile via USB. Sometimes there are multiple ADB instances. Restart your PC, open the project, make sure autoconnect profiler is checked and build and run. This almost always works for me

Hey thank you for your answer. I tried restarting my PC but its still not connecting…

Does regular adb (like install and run) work?

Hello !

I’m in the same situation as the OP was (I tried everything I tried aswell). Adb Logcat works fine in Unity Editor. I have other similar projects that work “fine” (it’s always annoying to connect the app to the profiler but it’s always been the case with Unity’s Profilers).

The only difference is that I use a Vive Focus 3.

If you have any idea on what could cause this, I’m open to suggestion !

@applisations do you remember what was the solution you found ?