Piece of code creates unwanted GameObjects in scene

Hi, I’m using the following code to get a reference to the local player character (as opposed to remote players):

    public static GameObject FindLocalPlayer() {
 GameObject localPlayer = new GameObject();
 GameObject[] Players = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player");
 foreach(GameObject Player in Players) {
 if(Player.networkView.isMine) {
 localPlayer = Player;
 if(localPlayer) {
 return localPlayer;
 else {
 return null;

For some reason, however, this code instantiates an empty GameObject in the scene every time it is called. I can only assume it is the line

GameObject localPlayer = new GameObject();

but I don’t understand how this Instantiates a GameObject called “new Game Object” at (0,0,0) in the actual scene. This doesn’t usually happen when I’m declaring a GameObject variable, so what am I doing wrong here?

public static GameObject FindLocalPlayer() {
GameObject localPlayer;
GameObject Players = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(“Player”);
foreach(GameObject Player in Players) {
if(Player.networkView.isMine) {
localPlayer = Player;

    if(localPlayer) {
        return localPlayer;
    } else {
        return null;

Or perhaps using System.Linq;

public static GameObject FindLocalPlayer() {
    var Players = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player"); 
    return Players.SingleOrDefault(o=> o.networkView.isMine);

You aren’t declaring a variable with that line you are creating a game object and assigning it to a variable. It appears this code is looking for a player game object that is local and creating one if there isn’t one.

Well I solved it by changing:

GameObject localPlayer = new GameObject();


GameObject localPlayer = null;

Thanks for the help, both of you. I didn’t realize new GameObject() would actually place an empty GameObject in the scene.