“Pile” the blocks as high as you can!
◉ Simple & Beautiful graphics designed
◉ Compete for the best score in the world
It is optimized for mobile (iOS iPhone and iPad, Android, Windows Mobile) standalone (Windows PC and Mac OSX), web player and webGL.
Clean, simple and easy to understand fully commented and documented C# code.
Easy to understand, perfect to learn.
This pack includes:
- Full game ready to use.
- Input touch controller for mobile
- Mouse input controller for web and desktop (mac and windows).
- Procedural infinite level generation
- “Perfect pile” special effect
- Camera zoom effect at game over
- Native sharing (iOS iPhone + iPad - Android): you can share using the native share menu (Facebookk, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, iMessage, SMS, Mail, MMS, Flickr, Pinterest, Evernote, Drobox, SnapChat, Linkedin, Whatsapp, Google+, Gmail … - if those apps are installed on your phone of course!)