Piles of balloons "tied" to a fixed position - addforce will push them, but how to they return to the "tied" place?

Hello there

I have set up a rigid body and added an Add force to my balloon. It has to look like the is being tied to a table.
When I “push” it now, it will just be hit and fly away - how do I make it return as if the string/rope that is holding it (I’m just using an alpha gfx, since it’s for mobile) it will return back as if the string is pulling it back again?

Any direction would be appreciated.

//Store the fixed position
Vector3 fixedPos;
//Determine if the pile of ballon is being pushed away or idle
bool isBeingPushed;

	void Start () {
        fixedPos = transform.position;
	void Update () {

    IEnumerator returnToFixedPos()
            //Return the pile of ballon to fixed postion
            transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, fixedPos, 0.5f);

            //Check the distance to break the loop
            if(Vector3.Distance(transform.position,fixedPos) < 0.1f)
                isBeingPushed = false;
                yield break;

            yield return null;

    //After the pile of ballon is pushed away 
    //(maybe after the force == 0 or right after that) call this function
    public void Return()
            isBeingPushed = true;

You need to add a joint connecting the balloons to the table. e.g. Unity - Manual: Fixed Joint component reference