PineTrail Residence

Hey everyone

I would like to show you a project I’ve been working on recently for my online portfolio.

It’s called PineTrail Residence, and it’s a interactive, dynamic architectural visualisation.

I’ve done almost everything from scratch, with the building itself roughly inspired by Woodway Residence from Bohlin Cywinski Jackson.

This is the first stage of this project, and I already have plans for next stages. They will include more of everything, with complete interior, some cool functionality and many more things.

Also be sure to check video from this project

Andrzej Skibiński

PS. soon I will make a dedicated website for this project, with more screens, videos, and ofc the project itself for viewing and download

Looks great. The trees, are they Unitys treebuilder trees or what?

Great effort, I just have to ask a cheeky question… why is it called Pine Trail if there are no pine trees?

Few more screens, with night time too

Trees are Unity treebuilder, yes… and there are Pine Trees there, tho maybe not as much as there should be… noted as a request for next version hehe

Very nice. :slight_smile:

Great graphics__

Hello again everyone

As promised… here is a my online portfolio with the project

You can see the project there, both as webplayer and as standalone aplication.

Hope you like it
