Problem: My iOS build is displaying “Pink Shaders” for all objects that were marked as Addressables.
Expectation: On iMac desktop, all of the objects were marked as addressables are working as intended, displaying the proper shaders. Which is weird eh?
Weird because playing on Windows,
UnityEditor with Android platform = Addressables objects is pink shaders because not compatible.
Android device = Addressables objects and its shaders are working as intended.
However, playing on iMac,
UnityEditor with iOS platform = Addressables objects and its shaders are working as intended.
iOS device = Addressables objects are rendering pink shaders
Things I’ve done:
- ensure ios and android load from a different path.
- always include shaders in the graphic settings (added but didn’t rebuilt the app)
- purged the addressables build cache and build new.
Anyone have an idea what should I do, been spending the entire day to adjust the settings and all.
Please give some advise