Hi, I run in to problems trying to set up ML-agents on my machine.
I wanted to try MLagents again after awhile now using the python virtual environment instead of conda.
At first I already run in to the problem that the recommended install of pytorch is 4 years old and not available anymore. I then installed a version that is a little bit more recent.
But then when I want to pip install ml agents 0.30 I ran into a error with the version of numpy it wants to install.
I tried it with the recommended version of python 3.7.2 and 3.10
But I can’t get it to work.
Although there is new documentation but the installation contents seems really outdated.
Does anybody know of a solution or a workaround?
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On a Mac, here’s what I have:
(10-unityml) Hughs-MacBook-Air:python hugh$ python -V
Python 3.10.7
(10-unityml) Hughs-MacBook-Air:python hugh$ pip freeze | grep 'torch|agents'
(10-unityml) Hughs-MacBook-Air:python hugh$ pip freeze | egrep 'torch|agents'
-e git+ssh://git@github.com/Unity-Technologies/ml-agents.git@89a6357016f4bd685bb0004f83a3a1c2b27a0e05#egg=mlagents&subdirectory=ml-agents
(10-unityml) Hughs-MacBook-Air:python hugh$ pip freeze | egrep 'torch|agents|numpy'
-e git+ssh://git@github.com/Unity-Technologies/ml-agents.git@89a6357016f4bd685bb0004f83a3a1c2b27a0e05#egg=mlagents&subdirectory=ml-agents
I faced the same problem with python version 3.10.9
and checked the error prompted out while installing
0.30.0 Requires-Python >=3.8.13,<=3.10.8
Hence, change the python version to 3.10.8 shall work
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