Now I know what you will tell me: “this is nothing new”, “just fill the DMCA form”, whatever (thread will probably get locked too).
This isn’t about customers getting annoyed, this is about trying to warn UT that eventually they will piss off a gaming giant if they keep allowing this crap in the store. Do you really think your little EULA will protect you if a giant like Tencent or others decide to sue you?
Now before you tell me this is unavoidable, let me tell you it would really help if you stop publishers from publishing if they don’t have a proper website or another way to verify they are who they claim they are. There’s also several ways to detect suspicious publishers: instead of proper website they have only a Unity Connect profile with barely any content and they have very high quality art (and a lot of it) but somehow are incompetent at making this model work out of the box in Unity (bad rigging and zero testing).
That’s it, I made this thread because I like Unity and I don’t want your company to have troubles or get devoured by a chinese giant just because you were careless. Call it an exaggeration if you want but in 2020 any exageration has become a good policy.
I’m reporting these assets right now (because the DMCA form is for copyright owners) but I strongly think that a single strike should be enough to ban an entire publisher, it doesn’t matter if the rest of the content is original (also I’m not reporting 6 pages of assets, it’s not my job).
Who are you reporting them to though? The actual owners or the store itself? Because the former will have a chance at the asset being removed while the latter will ignore you.
Like we discussed in the thread posted by @angrypenguin Unity cannot take down assets based off of reports from people who are not the author due to legal reasons. If anything repeatedly reporting an asset has the potential to cause you trouble as they may start seeing it as a form of spam if you do it often enough.
Report the asset to the actual owner. They have the authority necessary to have it taken down. You do not.
Nonsense, I reported a Mass Effect weapon collection some time ago and UT staff removed it. Is Angrypenguin a mod or staff? because I don’t know why I should care about what he thinks.
Also I want to give UT an opportunity to fix this before sending this to Nexon and whatever publisher made that Marvel game. I’m willing to wait.
More reason to not shut down the discussion: people need to know they expose themselves to risk by purchasing assets, because the one more likely to be burned by this are whoever ends up mistakenly using these assets on their games.
Great job rolling a one on English comprehension. I was very clearly indicating the thread that he linked in his post.
I’m not suggesting we shut down the discussion. I’m suggesting that people be smart and report the issue to the authors which if they follow up on will lead to a guaranteed takedown rather than the slim chance it will be taken down based on their personal statement.
Because @Kondor0 's anecdotal evidence involving Mass Effect is exactly that. I have reported similarly obvious violations to the store only for the staff to respond that they aren’t allowed to do anything based off of the reports of someone who isn’t the author. Since then I always report it to the actual owner who often has a very easy interface for doing so.
Why so defensive? I’m not attacking you, and yes I know of that thread because he linked it, I still don’t see why I should care, this thread is clearly meant for the staff to get a proper response.
If the UT staff position is that we should contact Nexon or any other owner before them then I’m more than open to do it. Until then I would prefer not to because I don’t know how they would react, a simple indie dev could just fill a DMCA form and be done but what about a big publisher? would they be happy with that? I hope so but I don’t want to create extra problems for UT before giving them a chance.
I’m not suggesting you don’t discuss it. I’m pointing out there’s an existing, relevant discussion you could be adding to rather than fragmenting it over multiple threads.
If you want staff to pay attention then it’s much easier for them to do so in one place at a time.
I disagree. There was a thread in the publisher forum and it got locked and the one you point got buried without an official response so clearly it isn’t enough. Also it’s not your job to be armchair moderator.
You already have that answer. BTW, the forum is very wrong way to contact Unity. It is very rare that they respond here, especially personnel who works with these very specific things like copyright affairs.
You may have an answer from @UnityMaru if he wishes to that they may or may not forward your question to the support/legal/whatever and they may contact you. Which may also happen if you go there for the first place.
The forum is not official support place. It is a community forum.
Also I don’t see any new information about anything here. Same old issue with the same old stance. Therefore no additional value was presented. Unless the “go away, it’s my thread”-feeling answers count.
Oh great, another armchair moderator.
I’m not in a hurry, I can wait until the thread gets buried before taking that as an answer. Thanks for the bump, I guess.
Also I put it here to warn people that may still purchase these models while all this is solved.