Pixel Art Game Resolution


I made a 2D pixel art game design with 16x16 tiles and 16x24 characters primarily. The intended screen resolution is 1280x720 (720p). However, I want to give the characters more personality, and made alternative designs at 2X (2560x1440 / QHD resolution) and 3X (3840x2160 / 4K) scales with more detailed artwork. I prefer the 4K design, as there are less artistic restrictions with larger sprites.

Will using 4K as my primary resolution and scaling with changes to the orthographic camera size work for accommodating smaller screens, or is there something I’m overlooking? It’s worth mentioning that I need the entire screen to be viewable for a few stage designs. Any incite would be greatly appreciated.

you dont need to increase your resolution just because you changed the size of your sprites