I am currently struggling with getting my text to show up pixel perfect at runtime.
UI Builder:
Scaling setting does not matter, even with constant pixel size this happens. Also game window scaling is at 1:1, tested with different game window resolutions. Not sure what could be causing it.
There are currently text rendering quality issues in runtime that will be fixed.
The runtime currently uses an SDF rendering solution similar to TextMeshPro. We are aiming to achieve “pixel perfect” quality with the SDF-based solution. If you have a font that you can share, we could have a look to make sure it renders properly.
The rendering mode in import settings is set to Hinted Raster. At 100% zoom the characters should be exactly 1 pixel thick as seen in first post.
It’s weird that it does work in UI Builder. It seems runtime does some extra scaling, regardless wether scaling is turned on, as even non-pixel perfect fonts are blurrier than in UI builder.