So, ive been wondering how we would go about creating a pixel perfect UI? For example, on iOS, if we wanted to use standard and retina assets, is there an “easy” way to do this using the new UI system?
I have been using RetinaPro (NGUI) for a while now, and it works quite well. Its a great atlas switching solution, and will render the assets pixel perfect depending on what device we are running on. However, the new UI system automatically uses atlases behind the scenes, rather than being able to select an atlas you wish to use, and then choose a sprite from that atlas.
Would we have to do the following to achieve what I am after:
- Detect which device we are running on, and determine the folder containing all sprites we wish to use (standard or retina)
- Find all canvas components in the scene
- Find all Image components under each canvas
- Go through the sprites in the folder (Step 1) and replace the sprite associated with the Image component with its new one from the sprites folder.
- Correct the Canvas Reference Resolution to be associated with the current device resolution
I dont know if I am “overthinking” things here, or if there is another solution, but it would be good to get peoples feedback on this. If the new UI system handles displaying the lower resolution sprites so they look “sharp” across all devices, then thats great and I dont have to worry. But it would be good to know!