PIxel shader with emission?

Hi there, I am making a game and would like to add a pixelated filter to it, which I do by downscaling a raw image, but I have a problem. I have these crystals that give off emission, with their high intensity value, they give this halo effect that I really like and think adds alot to it. The problem is that with the pixelation, this effect goes away alltogether. I attached two images so you can see what I’m talking about. Is there any resources that can help me solve this? Thanks

Is this into a RenderTexture and does its format support HDR?

its a render texture, yea, and this is URP

When you say Raw Image do you mean the Raw Image component? That could throw it off. Why not try as a Renderer Feature so its not done at UI level. I’d need to double check but some neuron in brain is saying “no HDR in UI” due to its lateness in rendering.

I applied a rendertexture to a raw image, then applied the rendertexture to the camera’s output texture. I heard that the problem is probably because I am doing this, but what are some other solutions you think could solve this?

If I understand your intention correctly, you should perhaps explore doing this as an URP Renderer Feature injected after Post-Processing. Or maybe before… depending on how you want it to look. You’d blit the screen from one Render Texture to a smaller one then back to the Camera color texture (the screen).

Perform a full screen blit in URP | Universal RP