I’ve just finished basic player’s mechanic and amnesia-like grab and push doors with no rigidbody. Also, I am working on some visual effects, planning on gathering resources from different ways…
The main dilema I have is whether to make it pixelated (16x16 for 1 unity meter or maaaayyybe 32x) or normal looking. The focus of game is indoors, but the prologue and some parts will be put outdoors, maybe in snowy environment (which is awsome for pixel-style graphics).
Did you ever play “7 days” made in Game-Maker?
It’s psyhological horror (not in rang with SilentHill etc., but still…) developed as example that graphics doesn’t matter for really good scare and crying in the corner like a lil sissy…
Have you ever played Minecraft or seen furniture mod for it?
It’s graphic suppass every other pixelated game and with a little touch of creativity and mods, it really turns into a virtual reality where 16x16 texture packs becomes HD over time while playing…
Have you ever seen or played The Thing? Monsters there are really scary and disguisting.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYvPOgFqlV0](http:// https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYvPOgFqlV0)
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMmjkIO_cDY](http:// https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMmjkIO_cDY) (good part 70-90%)
And who hasn’t played Amnesia? (Or at least you’ve seen gameplay if it’s too scary for you)
Monster chases and ambient are really terrifying.
[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wk07BWkhzsM](http:// https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wk07BWkhzsM)
These are just random examples of what this game could become, but I still can’t decide in which direction to take it.
I am asking for Feedback of an idea and non-existing game that is just starting to be developed.
Please, be free to leave comments on what sounds good and what sounds bad or non scary or however to you. Don’t tell me what would crowd like to see, tell me what would you want to play.
PS. At this stage, I can’t really provide good (understandable) screenshots or video footage.