Pixelled terrain from GeoTiff data

I’m trying to build terrain from real raw data.
I uploaded the data I purchased to QGIS and converted it to GeoTif,
Then in Photoshop, I saved it as a RAW
I uploaded the Raw file into the terrain and I get a strange pixel art Minecraft kind of terrain. (instead of smooth)
the total area is a 5km and the heightmap resolution is 10m.
Trying to scale it up in photoshop didn’t change the result
Please help


When you import relatively low resolution height map data and apply it to relatively high resolution terrain, the default result will be exactly as you describe.

This is because all the height map positions around a local point are referencing exactly the same value.

To get a smooth terrain you want to interpolate the raw values.
So if you research Bicubic Interpolation that will set you off on the right track.

In CityGen3D we apply this algorithm to our real world height map data to create a smooth terrain.

I hope this helps!