PixelPerfectCamera CropFrame Resets to None in Editor, and Main Camera Position Update Delay in Build

Hi, I’m using Unity 6000.0.26f1, Cinemachine 3.1.2, Addressables 2.2.2, and Universal RP 17.0.3.
I’ve encountered two bugs, as mentioned in the title:

1. PixelPerfectCamera CropFrame Resets to None:

When using an existing build of Addressables to load a scene, the value of PixelPerfectCamera.CropFrame is reset to None.

  • This issue only occurs in the editor and works fine in the build.

2. Main Camera Position Update Delay in Build:

During execution in the build, the main camera’s position reset to Vector.zero immediately after the scene loads. It then updates to the virtual camera’s target position after a slight delay.

  • This issue does not occur in the editor.

Below are parts of the inspector settings for the virtual camera:

Is it possible that in the first frame, the Protagonist is not where you expect it to be? Or perhaps that the CinemachineCamera is not instanced yet?

You can try adding some Debug.Log messages to verify that things are instanced in the expected manner.

The CinemachineCamera is not instantiated after the scene loads, it is preset in the scene.

I’ve added some logs to check the Protagonist’s position and camera-related data.
Here’s what I found:

  1. In the Editor:
    The main camera’s position update immediately in the next frame after the VirtualCamera is assigned to the CinmeachineBrain.

  2. In the Build:
    The main camera’s position doesn’t update until the scene transition is complete.

I haven’t written any function to control Cinemachine yet, so I’m quite confused about what’s causing this behavior.

What happens if you add a call to CinemachineBrain.ManualUpdate() when the scene loads?

After adding a call to CinemachineBrain.ManualUpdate() in Monobehaviour.Awake(), it skips the first log where the live camera is null, but the delay still persists.

I’ve created an empty project to test this, and it produces the same result, including the issue where the PixelPerfectCamera.CropFrame resets to None.
I can send you the project for testing, but I’m not sure how to share it with you. The file size is 48.3MB.

You can upload it somewhere and send me a DM with the link