Hi, My pixels change wierdly when rotating a sprite, It makes it look bad The attached file is when it is rotated!
Any fixes
Chek the Filter Mode of the Sprite Asset in the inspector, try “Point”
It is already point
How about Generate Mips?
You’ll just need to test the settings and be aware of the difference between the scale of the original image and output image.
I bascally tested evrything but nothing happens
This is a common result if the resolution of a game is pixel perfect. Pixels are are square, so pixel art are a bunch of big squares. When you rotate a square, it is no longer asquare (some kind of diamond) and has to be approximated into something else.
You can reduce the effect of something like this by either using higher resolution artwork (where each square is not so visible as a square) or by having pixel in reality be 4 to 8 pixels so when they rotate it can approximate the diamond shape that would occur when a square is rotated more accurately.
There are a few algorithms I’ve found that attempt to maintain the ‘grid like’ structure of a rotation, with no transparency by guessing which solid pixels to approximate where, but I don’t believe any are applicable to real time use in Unity.
Generally speaking the higher the resolution you’re using, the better off your rotations will end up which, kind of counteracts the strengths of pixel art for many and some shun the use of rotation at all in pixel art for these reasons.