Pixyz Custom Quality settings not being applied

Hello I’m using Pixyz plugin to import some NWD models.
Whenever I do change the quality from Maximum to Poor during import it takes effect (different tris count depending on setting).
However when I import through custom settings tris count is always the same no matter if I change Custom settings (Player Settings-> Pixyz plugin for Unity), they just don’t apply. Am I doing something wrong or is it a bug?

I do use unity 6.0

Hi @SzmurySoftServe ,

To double check your process, can you confirm you tryed to decrease the number of polygon at import by changing the tesselation quality ? You followed these steps:

  • In the Scriptable Object Importer, you changed Geometry → Mesh Quality → Custom
  • In Project Settings → Pixyz Plugin for Unity → Custom Tessellation Tolerances →
    - Max Sag from 0.1 to 5 (for example)
    - Sag ratio from 0.0001 to 0.1 (for example)
  • Re-Import your model

Hello Selim_B
This is exactly what i was doing.
Setting those values to different ones, deleting object in scene (I use import in scene option) and importing it again. Then I changed values and imported it again.
Triangle numbers are exactly the same

I was able to reproduce.
In some cases the parameter written in setting is not well saved or can not be retrieve correctly and the default value is taken.
I’ve created a bug ticket in our system and we will investigate.

For now as a workaround I would suggest to create a ruleset in which you decimate your model afterward using a Decimate Action.

Thank you for this report and helping us making the product better. I will keep you updated when the bug is fixed.

Hi @SzmurySoftServe ,

I’m happy to share that we fixed the issue. It will be included in the next release of the plugin. ETA end of year / early next year.

Thank you again for your bug report.
Have a great end of week.

Thanks for the answer.

There is a problem with rulset engine. I’m working with large models which where decimate teaks several hours to be done, sometimes it results in crashes (both in unity and pixyz studio).

Thing is that from my observation decimation during import is using all the processors which speeds up process drasticaly, when rulset engine works on 1 thread

Relying on a ruleset instead of doing it directly at the import step is effectively adding one more back and forth between Unity and Pixyz with additional data structure conversion. This convertion has a cost of course. But both Decimate are multithreaded.

We are aware of this convertion bottleneck. It’s a complex topic that have multiple dependencies with Unity Editor AssetDatabase and other core components. We can not promise nor garanty anything, but it’s on our radar and we are working on it.

Thanks for clarifying those. I would have one more question then
I have 32gb ram does increasing ram will prevent me from crashes??

I can not diagnose your crash without having the source files and the reproductions steps.
But usually, when people want to process big files. We advise them to get the more RAM they can have. This prevent memory swap, that have a big impact on performances (and possibly on stability).
So yes, I would definitely recommend you to increase your RAM. :+1:

Thank you Selim
This discussion confirmed and answered all of my questions.
Gr8 job Thanks a lot:)

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