placing a GUI.Button at a specific place on multiple screen resolutions

I have looked into this extensively and can not find a solution. I need to place Gui buttons over objects in the scene. I have used screen.width percentage solutions but as the resolution changes more or less of the scene is visible thus changing the percentage that it is from the corner of the screen.

You can use
Camera.WorldToScreenPoint(“your object position”)

it will set in every resolution and you can set your button depending on this returned position.

I too had this problem the past week but i found the solution on a youtube video + an answer from unity answers:

    GUI.Box (Rect (0,0,100,50), "Top-left");
	GUI.Box (Rect (Screen.width - 100,0,100,50), "Top-right");
	GUI.Box (Rect (0,Screen.height - 50,100,50), "Bottom-left");
	GUI.Box (Rect (Screen.width - 100,Screen.height - 50,100,50), "Bottom-right");

Using these the buttons will be on same place and you use Button instead of Box.
If you want for example Bottom left more to the left or right you just change the second value of Screen/height -50 to more - or more +.