i use urp to create archviz , because urp support mobile and i can use bakery plugin , but urp dont have planar reflection probe , i can not make wood floor or mirror , please help me

Hi, unity doesn’t have it currently available for urp so I can advice you one of the external sources which I have tried recently, it’s easy to setup, mobile optimized and working pretty well except with some weird problems which will be fixed according to the author (such as artifacts)… it work with urp 7.3.1 but not with 7.4.1 when I have tested (I don’t know why) so here’s the github link:

real-time planar reflections for mobiles???

It’s very doable, blurry roughness aware planar reflections even, although our solution is very custom and we made trade offs elsewhere, but it runs decently on older phones as well.

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You could copy the custom Planar Reflection Probe from the official Unity Boat Attack demo.

I’m not sure why this is not included yet because the Unity Boat Attack Team already finished it. So why reinvent the wheel?

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i decide use standard , i can use bakery plugin , screen space reflection , and i can export to android

That sounds very interesting. Which branch do I need to search? Is it in one of the release branches?