Plane Visualizer for a single plane type

Hi all,

I am currently in the process of building an app that replaces flooring.

When using the Plane Visualizer, how can I isolate the visualization to only display on surfaces that match a specific condition, such as in my case (the floor plane)?

Thank you :slight_smile:

hey there!,

You could use a surface action attached to a proxy with your conditions so you can colorize/meshify your proxies.

To do this:

  1. create a proxy.
  2. Remove the set pose action
    2.a Add a condition; lets say a plane size condition.
  3. Add a build surface action
  4. Add a mesh filter, a mesh renderer and a material to your proxy

Start your simulation and where that proxy gets matched it will paint the plane with the material assigned as show in the pic.

hope it helps! :slight_smile:

6242510--687488--Screen Shot 2020-08-25 at 10.54.20 AM.png

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Thanks so much, it worked :slight_smile:

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