As you can see, one changes the direction of lighting, I suppose it rotates around some axis, maybe it would need edits - but would that not, coupled with the planetary gravity script, allow me to make a game that takes place entirely on an orb-per-level, or one giant earth?
Another quick unrelated question: If 1 unit in unity = 1 meter, and my modeling package that’s 1000 units, if I decide to do 500 = 1 meter instead, and basically half-scale to the world, would I end up with different feeling physics - be they good or bad results, that would not be able to be fixed with tweaking?
I am coming from games where 1 unit in my modeling package = 1 meter, so 1 unity unit = a kilometer - does that mean I can do bigger things by scaling down? or will I expose problems?
There’s like three questions here, thanks in advance
I’ve never “made the game” and I’m looking at it like "no way is that all i need for that basic part, sans actually controlling things on it etc.
Yes and no… To all of those questions.
You could do a game based off of those scripts and you couldn’t depending on what you’ll be aiming for.
It wouldn’t change the physics at all for the second question. You would just have a small earth. If you had the “Sun” move slower then you could make a pretty good game right off the bat.
I’m willing to HELP with this game for FREE. I could care less about money at the moment. I’ll take money only if you’re willing to give.
Now, for the third question, yes you could make a bigger world by scaling the objects down. Not the world.
I’d want like, there is the one moment in that game “spore” where you’re on the planet, but not in space and no longer in water (never played, watched will wright talk about it).
So, like, some people might build an open world game on a planar deal, in my case, I would want “down” in gravity to be “0,0,0” and “up” to be “out from 0,0,0”
With only a moon, and a sun, the moon is not reachable by the player, but a world.
Sphere map the map of games like san andreas, with or without the gameplay elements - that would be a fun project to see through.
I can create worlds like this, it would be exciting and new spin on something I think should be in 3 dimmensions - but is it hugely complicated, and too much for internet development - especially where I myself am new to the technology.