Plans for content management APIs?

Content management APIs available in the current preview seem useful, the functionality of WeakObjectReference is nice (there’s a possible bug loading an asset referencing sub-assets, issue filed). The content build example given in the docs uses EntitySceneBuildUtility which is currently internal. Can we expect these kinds of things to be cleaned up by the first release package?
Also, it seems like there isn’t a simple way to inject specific assets outside a subscene’s weak references into a content build (for example, to store assets pertinent to a build that you’d rather not tie down to a subscene somewhere, even a temporary generated one). Are there current plans for expanding on features in the near-term?

Hi - it appears that you are correct about EntitySceneBuildUtility - that is an unfortunate oversight. It is possible to create “published” content and updates without it but you would need to build the player in order to rebuild the data. The EntitySceneBuildUtility functionality only builds the data so it would have been more efficient but the end result will be the same. We will fix this oversight and also look into ways of injecting assets into the build without needing subscenes.