Plastic SCM plugin for Jetbrains Rider

This bug concerns Plastic SCM plugin for Jetbrains Rider. Please let me know if there is a better form to report such a bug, because I could not find any.

After unshelving, changes are not properly displayed in the UI within Rider. The files are in the status “Replaced / Checked-out”. In the attached screenshots, notice that Rider’s Plastic UI says “contents are identical”, while in standalone UVCS desktop client, the change is recognized.

To reproduce:

  • Create a new Unity project.
  • Create a new UVCS repo from within Unity (cloud repo in my case).
  • Open the project in Rider.
  • Create a Monobehaviour script.
  • Open the UVCS desktop client.
  • Check the script into the repo.
  • Make a change to that script, then shelve that change in UVCS.
  • Unshelve the change and apply it.
  • Open the script and see that no changes are reported in Rider’s editor window, nor in Rider’s Plastic SCM window.
  • In the standalone UVCS desktop client, the script appears changed with status “Replaced / Checked-out”.


Thanks for reaching out and for the really clear steps of reproduction!

Could you please reach us at and mention this post?

This is to have some traceability on the Development task that I will create and keep you updated on the progress.


Unity Version Control Support
Virtualize your Workspace. Make it dynamic.

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