Plastic SCM won't submit alias files from MacOS

when I try to push alias files into repository (library after packaging into .framework file) it won’t allow me to push the changes with error Permission denied but the issue is only for alias files (similar to symbolic links).

Any advice about Plastic setup?


When you say alias files, are you referring to file that acts as pointers to other files or am I missing something?
Could you share the steps you are following so we can try to reproduce it?
Can you also share the details of your machine?


Thank you for your fast reply and sorry about the lack of details.

For my project I compiled SDL2 into sdl.framework, its a package which on apple can contains multiple versions of SDL into single package.

In this package are aliases (I understand it as symbolic links) to files hidden in deeper folder structure.
If my code want to use the latest SDL2 it goes into Versions\Current which serves as alias for Versions\A.

I am using Mac Mini M2. The repository I am using is quite old, 4 years.
I may be blind, but I don’t see any post about similar issue.

Any advice is appreciated.

Jakub Hubacek

Hi Jakub,

We have tried to reproduce it with no luck.
Could you please open a ticket writing to the e-mail referencing this post?
