plastic sync across 2 computers

ok first time posting here not sure if this is the correct area

im 1 of 7 devs on a large project on the plastic cloud,
i work mainly on my home pc. but sometimes i have to leave town so i work on a laptop but here is my issue

like i seid its a large project so if i dont open my laptop for a month and continue working on my main home pc. when its time to leave town i have to update my work space on the laptop and in that 1 month of not opening the laptop the updating the workspace to the current one takes soo long. last time it was 22 hours

so my question is thair any way to sync my current workspace from my main pc to my laptop in a way that what ever i do on my main pc if i open my laptop the work space is already updated /checked in files and not checked in files etc

i read a few ppl kinda doing something like this here

but i dont fully understand please help as i am leaving town again soon and id like to have my work laptop ready when i do

Hi @angelo813 ,

Thank you for reaching out to us.
The link you have shared is that a user set up a VM and sets up an actual PCs’s workspace pointing to VM.
That could be useful if you need to switch PC often.

However, if this is only once a month, updating the workspace manually might be an option.

thanks for the reply . its not really once a month it can go to 5 to 6 months it diffs.
by VM you mean virtual machine ? I’m not familiar at all with virtual machines I’m not familiar at all with virtual machines is there anywhere you can send me to, to provide me the information I need’cause I don’t even know what I’m looking for to set up the same situation I have my main work station And I have my laptop

so if i did want to switch my PC often let’s say and have the same repository updated on both no matter which PC i’m on I would do this through a virtual machine? but again. no clear were to start not alot of this information online for what im doing

Hi @angelo813 ,

Virtual Machine is not of product Unity Version Control. Therefore, there are limitations to help you further regarding that. If you need to update the workspace once in 5-6 months and that’s the only time you are using your laptop, updating before you leave to travel will be one of the options.

If you are still using your laptop regularly, you can set up your own scheduler or script to run regularly such as updating your workspace. In that way, you do not have to update your workspace on everything at once, you update your workspace on your laptop regularly and it will reduce the downloading time that you experience right before your trip.