Plastic WebUI - add “Pending to Integrate” button for code reviews

When doing code reviews, in PlasticSCM app, there is option to show only “Pending to Integrate” changes into target branch.

By default, the changes show even files that have not been modified/added/removed on this branch, but files that were modified on target branch, and are not yet on this branch.

This can quickly be filtered via the “Pending to Integrate” button

It would be amazing if the code review WebUI would have the same option. As currently, if we are merging a branch with just 1 file, it shows all the files that are different from target branch, which can be hundreds of them, as in following example:

In this case, its almost impossible to do code review since you see dozen or hundred of files that were not touched in this branch, as its not possible to filter and show only the files that are modified on the current branch (at least I did not find any setting).

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This feature should be already available if click on the gear button:

I tried any kind of combination, it does not seem to work, always all the changes are visible (even ones coming from destination branch)

Can you confirm in the scenario that is not properly working, if the behavior is not the same if you use the same feature in the Plastic SCM GUI and the WebUI?

Yes @carlosalba1985 I can confirm this.

For the exactly same code review, this is on plastic:

As you can see, it shows only 3 files pending to integrate (which were actually changed on that branch).

But on the webUI, it shows everything, even with toggle enabled.

Again as I mentioned, toggling any kind of combination on webui yields the same result.

Hey again @Wrymnn :wave:

We’ve found the source of the issue and have a fix on the way.

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@Wrymnn I’m pleased to report that the fix is now live :tada:

I’ll mark this as resolved, please let us know if you experience any further issues.

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I can confirm its now working, cheers!