Plastics SCM Best Practise Guide Tutorial with Unity (ex-Perforcers)


Having come across from Perforce to the unity partnered Plastics SCM is there any official Unity guide on best practises? In particular working with


and also


files in pushing and pulling from the server? Issues like Security and Encryption and any hints and tips would be very wellcome for Developers.

With Kind Regards,

I’ll start,

For those using it Plastics themselves offer good guidance on configuring Unity to their Source Control however i thought there may be other developers who could pool together their experience of this middle ware into a “best practises” forum to benefit all kind of way. In particular

  1. binary assets merging (getting around) of multiple check in machines (Artists/Designers/Coders)

  2. ignore.conf files. (certainly .metadata and library and log files) but the official list is quite extensive

Has anyone used all the listing successfully? without any problems?

  1. Multiple Designers working on the same scene with different child branches, amassing their assets then checking them into the main branch. Is prefabs the only way (as we have discovered?) without conflicts at merge time?