for standalone windows i currently use #if UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN - is there a similar one available für windows phone? the documentation only added blackberry but i see no windows phone option.
thanks for your help!
for standalone windows i currently use #if UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN - is there a similar one available für windows phone? the documentation only added blackberry but i see no windows phone option.
thanks for your help!
thanks. was not able to find that anywhere.
edit: hm, seems like UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN does not work for a windows 8 build. what is the option here?
that one is UNITY_METRO
thanks where do you get this information from? maybe this source has more infos for me.
Hello. That information is supposed to be hosted here:
However, it seems it hasn’t been updated for UNITY_METRO and UNITY_WP8 yet. All the other platforms are there, it seems.
I read them somewhere here on there forums posted by Tomas and added to my projects same time so there wasn’t any additional info.