Platform Effector 2d - Things Keep Falling

A simple case:

A ball (circleCollider2D and rigidBody2D) falling in a platform (BoxCollider2D and PlatformEffector2D)

Using Unity 5.0.0f4: Normal. (y stays fixed in the end of the moviment)

Using Unity 5.0.0p3: Bouncy Ball (y position keep going up and down)
Using Unity 5.0.1f1: Bouncy Ball (y position keep going up and down)

It causes sometimes my character, in the game, fall from platform.

Ps:BoxCollider is with UsedByEffector true and the effector UseOneWay is true; If i set UseOneWay to false, the bouncying effect stops.

Try changing the Collision Detection to Continuous on the RigidBody2D of your moving object.
I’ve just come across a similar problem and this worked for me.


That worked for me too.

Note the post you’re replying too was from 2015.

Anyway, if your character is moving too fast then it can step over colliders and that has nothing to do with effectors and is how discrete collision works but it’s fast and the default. Continuous is far slower but accurate. Just be careful where you use it. Just don’t scale to hundreds or thousands of things using it on lower end devices.

it works thanks a lot