I’m implementing keyboard shortcuts in an editor window and was wondering if there’s a standard way to get platform independent modifier keys. For example, keyboard shortcuts use Control on a PC and Command on a Mac.
Right now I use a small utility function:
public static bool CommandKeyDown()
if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor)
return Event.current.command;
return Event.current.control;
But it seems like Unity would have some built in way to handle this kind of thing…? Obviously not urgent since I have a workaround, but would like to tidy this up if possible.
Actually found the exact thing I was looking for: EditorGUI.actionKey
"Is the platform-dependent “action” modifier key held down? (Read Only)
The key is Command on Mac OS X, Control on Windows."
Ok it’s quite common that the equivalent on mac for the control key is the command key but that’s not really a rule or standard. Event.current.command also works on windows machines but it’s the windows key. I don’t see any reason why unity should provide a function that will do exactly what you did.
Actually you aren’t talking to unity here
We are the community that is using Unity. If you have a feature request for Unity post it on feedback.unity3d.com
There isn’t any built-in way, no. After all, Event.current.control exists on OS X as well, whereas there is no real equivalent to the Command key on Windows (I understand the Windows key can’t really be used in the same way). I don’t see anything untidy about your function.