So I wanna build my VR project to different platforms in my case: PC VR and Standalone Mobile VR.
But for each of the platforms I wanna maintain the best quality possible. I DONT want to optimize all models and effects ONLY for mobile VR because that would make the PCVR version look like a mobile VR game. But I would like to have a mobile version for each prefab and another one that will be used for PCVR.
Is there a way to manage your prefabs in a way that a build to mobile will include a certain prefab but a build to PC will include a different prefab. This would have to happen in editor level because the prefabs will already be used in a lot of different scenes. So instanciating them at runtime with a “if UNITY_IOS || UNITY_ANDROID → then instanciate a certan prefan else some other” is not going to be the soution.
Does anyone have the solution to this?