Play animation every click or button press without having to wait for the first animation to end

Hello. I dont want to wait for the animation to end and then play the animation again. I want everytime i press a click or button, to force the animation to play without having to wait the previous one.
I made an animation 0.2 seconds short but that makes it awfulland not smooth.

Any help on this? Thanks in advance.

In Animator window select transition (arrow between animation nodes) and uncheck “Has Exit Time”.
I needed this to stop running animation immediately after player stops running.

I have read some of your comments,

You NEED an animator to animate objects.
What you should do is to with the Animation Controller is to make sure you have an Idle State, and an another state that has that animation, and then using a transition with these settings:

  • Has Exit Time: False
  • Fixed Duration: False
  • Transition Duration: 0
  • Transition Offset: 0

If you only want to end the animation, then run it afterwards, do this:


Do the same thing for the other transition, which points to itself. It needs a trigger named something (could be made in the parameters), then call the trigger:


Or you can play state like this

gameObject.GetComponent<Animator>().Play(stateName, -1, 0f);

stateName is string.
See more here