Hi! I am a beginner at scripting, and i am trying to make an enemy for my game. I made a basic script in Javascript that display a log when the enemy is hit by the player, but i have a question.
I used debug log so i could know that the enemy was hit. Now that i know that it is working, how do i play one of my animator’s animations when the enemy is hit? I only made the animations because i don’t know exactly how to configure it. How do i make something that allow the enemy to play an animation when it is hit? Here’s my script, it’s basic, as i said:
#pragma strict
var Bullet:Rigidbody;
var itsahit = false;
function OnTriggerEnter (o:Collider) {
itsahit = true;
Debug.Log ("HIT");
function OnTriggerExit (o:Collider) {
if (itsahit == true) {
If i need to put something in the script, i would like to put it where it’s writed "Debug.Log (“HIT”);
Also, thank you guys. I started to use Unity in the beginning of the year and i’ve learned a lot since then thanks to you. I had no experience in games before using Unity, so i don’t know much about animator and scripting yet.
I also have made several questions about this in the past, but i decided that i WANT to use OnTriggerEnter and OnTriggerExit because i am just starting and i don’t want to go so deep in this subject for now.