Play animation

Hi! I am a beginner at scripting, and i am trying to make an enemy for my game. I made a basic script in Javascript that display a log when the enemy is hit by the player, but i have a question.

I used debug log so i could know that the enemy was hit. Now that i know that it is working, how do i play one of my animator’s animations when the enemy is hit? I only made the animations because i don’t know exactly how to configure it. How do i make something that allow the enemy to play an animation when it is hit? Here’s my script, it’s basic, as i said:

#pragma strict

var Bullet:Rigidbody;
var itsahit = false;

function OnTriggerEnter (o:Collider) {
    itsahit = true;
    Debug.Log ("HIT");

    function OnTriggerExit (o:Collider) {
        if (itsahit == true) {

If i need to put something in the script, i would like to put it where it’s writed "Debug.Log (“HIT”);
Also, thank you guys. I started to use Unity in the beginning of the year and i’ve learned a lot since then thanks to you. I had no experience in games before using Unity, so i don’t know much about animator and scripting yet.

I also have made several questions about this in the past, but i decided that i WANT to use OnTriggerEnter and OnTriggerExit because i am just starting and i don’t want to go so deep in this subject for now.

You would first need to create an animator controller. Then you have to set a default animation, an animation you want to play, and then create a transition back and forward. In parameters, create a new trigger, let’s call it HitTrigger. Now, in transition to the animation you want to play, uncheck exit time and in conditions add that trigger. After having everything done, add animator to your enemy and assign the animator controller.

Inside your script, when you want to animate call o.GetComponent<Animator> ().SetTrigger("HitTrigger");. Depending on if Animator is or is not in the root of your enemy object, you will need to change GetComponent with GetComponentInChildren. Now you should be good to go. You will probably need to adjust GetComponent function since I have not coded in javascript for over a year and the syntax is probably different.